torstai 24. toukokuuta 2012

TV - the changing face of culture

TV tells a lot about the culture of a country. Especially the advertisements are very entertaining at best, promoting something in a way unthinkable to what we are used to. Today I watched a cooking program. Fairly interesting it was. The people were cooking a type of pastry cream but they had 3 different versions of the cream, “do this”, “this is okay” and “don’t do this”. So now I know that when making crema pastelera the mixture should stay moist at all time.

Comedy here resembles very much the Mexican one. It’s a bit unfair to say but I think comedy here is fairly simple. Big gestures, dramatic reactions, people falling over or bumping into a tree. When you mix that with the fake breasts, bare skin, old men and young women, anything can come out. Oh I do laugh and get amused too but for other reasons than the majority.

News have a yellowish stamp on them. A car crash attracts loads of people watching but also press, taking photos of torn body parts and crying family members, and interviewing eye-witnesses who explain everything to the smallest detail. News are designed to attract attention, be it with blood, drama or young sexy girls (this is the perfect example when it comes to weather forecasts: ).

In general there is more passion, more drama and more excitement here. It is possible to feel strongly about anything on TV or in the newspapers, whether it’s about politics or an art exhibition. Living is passionate here and there isn’t a dull day in sight.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Mäkin kiinnitän aina ulkomailla huomiota TV-ohjelmiin ja mainoksiin. Suomalaisen näkökulmasta moni asia tuntuu aika hassulta. En voi vieläkään ymmärtää niitä italialaisia vakavahenkisiä visailuja, joita juontaa usein vanhempi harmaantunut mies. Kesken kaiken lavalle pamahtaa useampi vähäpukeinen nainen hetkuttelemaan. Tämän jälkeen ohjelma jatkuu kuin mitään ei olisi tapahtunut. Outoa.

    1. Tuota koitan painottaa täällä. Eurooppa nähdään yhtenä "valtiona" jossa eroina ovat lähinnä kieli, ruoka ja ihmisten ulkonäkö. Kulttuureissa on kuitenkin huomattavia eroja ja luojan kiitos meillä ei ole tuota hempukka-kulttuuria niin räikeänä..
